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On the separate production screen this drop down menu can be changed, on the Sales PC version / standalone version Production screen it is locked to the correct local folders.

If you are using the separate production screen:

  1. Install the "Production Only" software from the CD on the production PC.
  2. On the Sales computer share the "c:\robot\traffic\" folder (right click the folder, select properties > sharing).
  3. On the Play Out (studio) computer using the windows explorer select Tools > Map Network drive and map the folder you shared above on your network as a single drive letter (e.g. "H:\").
  4. On the Production computer using the windows explorer select Tools > Map Network drive and map the folder you shared above on your network as the same drive letter (e.g. "H:\").
  5. Set Sales Mapping to the drive letter you selected above (e.g. "H:\").


If you are using computer Play Out:

  1. Install the "Robot 2002 PRO" software from the CD (sold separately) and the Service Pack CD supplied with it (must be at least Service Pack 4).
  2. On the Play Out (studio) computer share the "c:\robot\" folder (right click the folder, select properties > sharing).
  3. On the Sales computer using the windows explorer select Tools > Map Network drive and map the folder you shared above on your network as a single drive letter (e.g. "I:\"). This must be different to the one used above.
  4. Set Play Out Export In to the drive letter you selected above (e.g. "I:\").

If you are not using computer Play Out, make sure the drop down menu is set to "OFF". This disables the export button on the
Schedule screen which can not be used without Robot 2002 PRO installed.

Providing your PC's have already been networked by your IT people and can "talk to each other" (i.e. are capable of sharing files) if needed we can make a long appointment for you and we will talk you through the set up of the above networking requirements over the telephone; you will however have to meet the cost of the call by ringing us at a mutually agreed time.

This manual <c> 2006 Ison live Radio

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