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You can also generate reports specifically concerning advertising or sponsorship spots which both help you comply with your license conditions and ensure you are making best use of the advertising time available to you. In the Quota Minutes field set the maximum number of minutes per hour your are permitted to have advertising (the default is 5).

Hours Over Quota report list any hours within the schedule that contain more than the permitted quota of advertising time. This calculation is reached for each hour by totalling the lengths provided on the production screen for each spot scheduled in the hour. You can use this report to manually adjust any hours over quota on the Schedule screen to ensure license compliance.

Hours Under Quota report lists any hours within the schedule that contain less than the permitted quota of advertising time. This calculation is reached for each hour by totalling the lengths provided on the production screen for each spot scheduled in the hour. You can use this report to manually adjust any hours under quota on the Schedule screen to make best use of your available advertising time.

All Hours Totals lists the total advertising time within all hours in the schedule. This calculation is reached for each hour by totalling the lengths provided on the production screen for each spot scheduled in the hour.

Domestic / Foreign report provides a percentage indication of the amount of domestic versus foreign advertising in your schedule. This is helpful when you have license conditions limiting the amount of foreign advertising you can carry.

Providing the schedule as produced is strictly adhered to by your presenters these reports could also be used as part of any complaints procedures for your station.


APRA report will produce a report of music used in your advertising. This can be printed out and included with any regular APRA returns your are required to make. The report supplies the information given in the APRA key on the production screen and lists every occasion the Spot containing the performance was played within the schedule.

Once you prepare an APRA report for the four week period, you can clear the APRA logs by clicking the
Clear APRA Log button.

This manual <c> 2006 Ison live Radio

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